I've had this amusing but very pertinent card on my office desk for several decades now and on occasions, I send copies of it to people if, for some inexplicable reason, they are not listening to my ideas!
My love of good business and commerce is as strong as my love for travel, wildlife and, of course, photography. I define good business as being creative, innovative, forming trusting relationships, being financially sound and above all delivering above and beyond customer expectations.
My background prior to photography was Global Logistics setting up and building one of Europe's leading businesses getting millions of high-value products to the right place around the globe on time via planes, boats and lorries. Though now, happily, out of that business after its successful amalgamation into the DHL network the characteristics that I believe made me bloody good at what I did then; wired to deliver on time, wired to meet incredible demands, trusted to make big decisions and always being customer focussed have not left me.
Today the primary outlet for my commercial fix is https://www.photographyexperts.com/, a fast-growing photography based entertainment and teaching platform, Photography Experts has a wonderfully diverse and loyal customer base grown through providing first-class Masterclass Courses and Zoom based events presented by some of the very best photographers in the world.
Via this website, my print sales business is conducted and set to expand
But beyond this, I love nothing more than exploring new destinations for fellow photographers and groups of photographers to travel to. These boots on the ground recce trips have led to great friendships, breaking new lodges and locations to a network of fellow professionals and a network of trusted partners on the ground that have led to leading photographic travel businesses adopting my recommendations for their own itineraries.
I am a strong advocate for the Mara North Conservancy, the Lewa Conservancy particularly https://lewahouse.com/ , the wonderous Laikipia region of Kenya and the fabulous https://laikipia-wilderness.com/ . I also believe in, and know, Ethiopia will prevail as a fabulous and safe destination for photographers and enjoy great relationships with the very best on the ground there.
Feel free to contact me on any aspect of the website, any aspect of photography based travel and any support via tuition or business mentoring within this industry, I am pretty sure I can help and add value to your project, I am absolutely sure that if I can't I know someone very well who can.